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Drowning In His Grace ( or in a good cup of coffee)

We have also obtained access through him by faith into this grace in which we stand

Romans 5:2 CSB


            There are days when I could just throw myself, head first, into a pool of coffee in order to make it through. Have you ever felt like this? Maybe you wouldn’t jump into hot, steamy, java, but you can picture the vat you would need to help you finish without being thrown in jail. We all have days when we need help. There may even be times when you can’t imagine how you will get out of a situation you are in. No way, in your mind, will you ever move to a place of comfort and out of a mess.

            When we find ourselves being unsettled and discouraged, the best place we can turn is to the grace of Jesus Christ. This is where we should go to receive the greatest blessing of all. Romans 5:2 tells us all how amazing this blessing is. It says, “We have also obtained access through him by faith into this grace in which we stand” (CSB).

During times when my life seems disheveled and I am swimming around in coffee, or whatever, trying to find what I need, I don’t always see myself standing in His grace. I usually feel like I am drowning in waves that are washing over me and not allowing me to rise to the surface for air. The challenge each time is to see the overwhelming drowning we are in is really His grace. We are always standing in a huge cauldron of grace. His grace is so vast and deep it crashes over us in gales like waves. We may be drowning, but our choice is to either look at the drowning as that of the enemy or of God’s grace.

The song by The David Crowder Band titled “How He Loves” sings, “if His grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking”. It displays a picture of a massive, rolling ocean, deep and wide. In this cosmic scene we see ourselves bobbing up and down until we are pulled under the waves. Sinking deeper into the enormous amount of water until we are finally at the bottom, completely covered by grace that sets us free. No matter where you look, all you can see is grace. Each direction shows a flowing, moving, sparkling atmosphere of perfect peace and calm. We have sunken into God’s grace and are completely surrounded by His love.

  God’s grace may seem far away at times, but it is because we choose not to see it. Yet, at all times we are standing directly in it. An explanation of grace in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia interprets God’s grace as being combined with action. Grace is God’s power as He directs it at us. It is action on His part to bring us to complete faith in Him. We need His grace to overcome every single trial and times of frailty that will always follow us. We live in a sin filled world and that sin threatens to overtake us at every turn. The enemy is constantly prowling around looking for our weaknesses and times of struggle. When he notices it he strikes because he knows we are vulnerable. This is when we need to jump in!

JUMP IN! Jump into the ocean of God’s grace and sink to the very bottom or float on your back and let the water wash over your face. Stare up through the sparkling, glorious grace into the face of Who is following you and feel the cool, refreshing grace He is offering. When we fall into the silo full of His grace, we are finally able to see a way out.

Turning to God when the enemy is staring us down is the only way to overcome. When the struggle hits, praying fervently will bring you peace in the situation. Opening your Bible and looking for answers or reciting your favorite Bible verse can take you to an area of quiet. Simply sitting and listening for the Holy Spirit speaking can bring you answers. Humbly saying the name of Jesus over and over can begin a period of peace. God’s grace comes to us in so many forms when we look above the waves and see the calm, tranquil, glistening beauty of His grace that will help us overcome all things. Jump in! The water is great!


A Prayer for Today

Lord, Your grace and mercy are all I need. Thank You for always having a completely full ocean ready for me to submerge myself in. Help me to hear and seek You each time I am feeling overwhelmed by life and to turn to You and jump in to your grace.


Today’s Challenge

Close your eyes and picture a calm, clear ocean. See yourself floating and relaxing as the sun warms your skin. Thank God for the times where His ocean of grace has covered you. Ask Him to remind you of this special grace each time you are in need.

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